Offering supportive instruction to homeschoolers in:

  • Grammar
  • Writing
  • Science
  • Physical Education
  • History
  • Art
Thursday Classes
Each class is enrolled individually. *Class = formal curriculum Classes are offered for Students 8-18 years old.


8:30-10am 3rd-5th – Science
8:30-10am 6th-8th – Writing/Grammar
10-11:30am 6th-8th – Science
10-11:30am 3rd-5th – Writing/Grammar
11:30am-12:00noon – Lunch for full day students
12:00noon-12:45pm 3rd & up – PE
12:45pm-1:45pm – History Lab
1:45pm – Strong Start Carline Dismissal
1:45pm-2:45pm 3rd & up – Art
1:45pm-2:45pm – Aftercare – Structured play for Siblings of Art Students (Enrollment Required)
1:45pm-2:15pm – Beginner Primer 1 Piano Class
2:45pm – Carline Dismissal #2
Writing & Grammar
Grammar 3rd – 5th Grade & 6th – 8th Grade
We will be using the “Growing with Grammar” curriculum.
Your child’s grade level would correlate with the Level book.  For ex: Grade 5=Level 5
Growing With Grammar Books
Writing 3rd-5th Grade Level
A program offering instruction in developing skills in the writing process.  Using IEW (Institute for Excellence in Writing) materials.
Writing Skills taught:

Structure, research based writing, creative writing, style techniques, and developing expressive writing as well as use of vocabulary in writing.

You can purchase the Teacher/Student Manual at the links below or  just the  Student manual.

Writing- Student Book Optional Teacher's Manual
Lost Tools of Writing 6th-8th Grade Level

A program offering instruction in persuasive writing, essay writing and thinking skills.

Writing Skills taught:

Basic Essay Writing, Schemes, Tropes, Editing, Division, Narratio, Thesis, Proofs, Arguments, Refutation, Conclusion, and Amplification

Thinking Skills taught:

Material Logic: Common Topics, Definition, Comparison, Circumstance, Testimony, and Relationship.

For more information about the Lost Tools of Writing program visit their website:
Student Book Optional Complete Set
Grades 3rd-5th Grade Level "God's Design for Heaven and Earth"

A program offering instruction in complete life curriculum for 3rd-5th graders which reveals the amazing world of God’s creation through the study of plants, animals, and the human body.

Curriculum Material:
Student Book only required but there is an optional complete set you can purchase for parent use. 

Student Book Optional Complete Set
Grades 6th-8th Grade Level "Introduction to Astronomy"

Explore the fascinating branches of scienceIn this unique science course students will explore caves, archaeology, fossils, and geology as they discover fascinating facts, incredible wonders, captivating structures, and God’s glory on display throughout creation!

This junior high and high school level science course allows one core area of science per quarter. Lessons are scheduled five days a week and should take 30-45 minutes to complete.

Curriculum Link (Teacher's Guide is Optional)
A program offering instruction in project based art. Students complete a series of projects throughout the semester that utilize different skills and mediums of art.
Students use a variety of mediums including colored pencils, sketching pencils, pen, markers, oil pastels, water color and acrylic paint.

All projects are completed in class.

Skills/Topics Covered:
• Drawing techniques (proportions, lines, shading, shapes, tools, etc.)
• Layering mediums of art (ex. coloring w/ markers, adding layers w/ colored pencils)
• Oil pastels
• Acrylic paintings
• Water Color paintings

A program offering a physical education opportunity to homeschool families.

Students will get moving, learning about fitness, sportsmanship, and teamwork while improving their coordination, building strength, and enjoying themselves in a variety of ways.

History Lab

New Testament, Greece & Rome – Optional  Self Paced Study:

For curriculum questions please email Coach James:

Optional Curriculum Link