A Full Day program offering instruction in
Literacy, Math, Science, Art, Music, and P. E.
Offering a PreK-3/PreK-4 Class, K4/K5 class and a 1st/2nd grade class. (1st/2nd grade class is currently WAITLISTED)
Enrollment Guidelines for PreK-4 Program:
- Should be born on or before March 31, 2019.
- Should be able to use the bathroom independently (fully potty trained).
- Should be able to recognize number 1-5 and count to 10.
- Should be able to recognize basic colors and shapes.
- Should be able to hold a pencil as well as be able to cut and paste.
Enrollment Guidelines for PreK-3 Program:
- Should be born on or before March 31, 2021.
- Should be able to use the bathroom independently (fully potty trained).
- Should be able to eat independently.
- Should be able to hold a crayon.
Strong Start k4/k5 & 1st/2nd SCHEDULE:
8:30-8:45am Arrival & Circle Time
8:45-10:15am Math/Science (k4 & K5) Literacy/Writing (1st & 2nd)
10:15-10:30am Snack
10:30am-12:00pm Math/Science (1st & 2nd) Literacy/Writing (k4& K5)
12:00-12:30 Lunch/Recess
12:30-1:45pm Music/Art/P.E.
1:45pm Strong Start Carline
1:45-2:45pm Aftercare-Structured Play for Siblings of Art Students (Enrollment is Required under Thursday Classes)